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Smart Reasons for Choosing a Registered Electrician

Registered Electrician, electrician, Electrician In London

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Why Napit Makes All The Difference

When you need an electrician most people “Google” for one or are passed a recommendation from a friend. But probably most people do not bother to check to see whether the electrician is registered with NAPIT or similar.  This body was created to regulate the industry and to standardise training and work practices. To become an approved Napit contractor the electrician must:

·        Ensure work is carried out to the current edition of BS 7671; the IET Wiring Regulations

·        Ensure certification is issued on completion of installation work, as directed by BS 7671

·        Have up-to-date copies of BS 7671

·        Have competence with test instruments as outlined by Part 6 (“Inspection and Testing”) of BS 7671; the IET Wiring Regulations

·        Have public liability insurance of at least £2m.

In short, NAPIT registered electricians have to pass stringent inspections on their work, documentation, processes, their equipment and lots more. If they are able to meet the high standards required they will be allowed onto the register. They are then regularly inspected to ensure that they maintain these high standards. The aforementioned accreditation, NAPIT logo, can then be displayed on their website, van, uniforms, marketing etc.

Employing cheaper but unregistered electricians can lead to disaster sometimes. There are plenty of stories in the news where terrible and shoddy work carried out by so-called electricians lead to fatal consequences. The problem is that anyone can say that they are an electrician and very few householders will actually check the qualifications of the person turning up to do the work. Ensuring that your electrician is NAPIT registered demonstrates that the electrician is fully qualified (you can check the NAPIT register to be sure).

Choosing  the Best Electrician

If you decide to only use NAPIT registered electricians, how can you choose the best? Electricians may vary by their time-keeping, communication, price, friendliness and attitude. Usually, a good indication is to use their reviews to see what others think. Trade bodies such as Trusted Trader help as traders need to demonstrate good working practices and have authenticated reviews to be a member.

So, whilst your friend can usually provide the name of a “good” electrician, your checklist should be:

·         Are they registered with NAPIT or similar?

·         Do they have recent and decent reviews?

·         Do they provide an honest quote before work begins?

·         Can they provide Electrical Installation Certificates (EICs) and Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificates (MEIWCs)? These will be required in the event of a fire or injury caused by the electrical installation. They demonstrate that the work undertaken was of a satisfactory standard of safety.

·         Are they timely in their response to your questions

We believe that we show all the right attributes for being the best electrician in London but if you need further clarification on anything we’d be only too pleased to help.

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